
How To Save A Photoshop Animation As A Gif

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

A GIF is a moving motion picture. A GIF is a minor video clip or a collection of still pictures that appear to move. GIFs do non have to be difficult in order to function properly. Sometimes, simple motion is appealing. GIFs are popularly used in marketing or to produce memes, mostly to create a visual aid or to brand a statement. In this article, you will acquire how to make an animated GIF in Photoshop. So, let's first.

Table of contents

  • Know Photoshop
  • Animated GIFs from pictures
    • footstep 1: Select Images
    • step 2: Open the images equally layers
    • step three:website prototype size
    • footstep 4: Create a Frame Animation
    • pace 5: Creating Frames with Layers
    • stride six: Set a timer for each Frame
    • step seven: Select the Loop
    • step 7: salve for the web
  • Blithe GIFs from a Video
    • step 1: Open the video in Photoshop
    • step 2: Resize for the spider web
    • stride 3: Select the GIFs frames
    • pace 4: Save for the Web
  • Conclusion
  • latest post
  • related post

Know Photoshop


To start, explain Photoshop because these features are professional person ways washed in Adobe. Adobe Photoshop is a figurer image editing software created by Adobe Inc. Photoshop is unremarkably considered as ane of the most powerful photo editors currently available. It has advanced features that will appeal to a wide range of artistic beginners and professionals.

I'yard starting to make animated GIFs from pictures.

Past combining two or more images, GIFs give the event of motility. Most of the parts in the epitome will remain the same. However, at to the lowest degree one element changes between images. It could be an object or a person that is starting to movement. An animated GIF is not hard to create. One frame may comprise a message or logo, while the other is not. A sequence of still pictures taken every bit office of a time-lapse can be used. Alternatively, you tin make those changes super uncomplicated in post-processing. A GIF with several images in motility is smoother. very few frames with bigger movements look similar finish-motion motility graphics.

Note:If y'all want to brand some adjustments to the photograph simply let me know. I can exercise it for you at a very low cost. You can hire me to edit your photograph

Animated GIFs from pictures

stride 1: Select Images

step 1: Select Images

Select the images for utilise in the blithe GIF. To create the illusion of move, just pictures are needed. Only you tin can also select upwards to 100. It totally depends on you. Nevertheless, if you have more than 100 images, your GIF could take quite a long fourth dimension to load on a website. Let's create a GIF in Photoshop that relates to a picture before and afterwards unique post-processing phases.

footstep 2: Open the images as layers

⦁ Upload the files into Photoshop as carve up layers. Highlight the pictures in Lightroom and cull the Picture drop-down menu. Go to Photograph > Edit in > Open up equally Layers in Adobe Photoshop.
⦁ If users open up files directly in Photoshop, it ways saving those in the same folder. In Photoshop, go to the File menu and select "File > Scripts" to load files into a stack.
⦁ Adjacent, select Browse and scan to the pictures that will contain your GIF.
⦁ Click "Open," and then OK.
⦁ Users tin auto-marshal layers by choosing Edit > Automobile-Align Layers from the Edit drop-down carte. Users have many options, only auto is generally sufficient.
⦁ Duplicating a layer allows you lot to add text and images. By choosing the Layer drib-downwardly menu, users tin combine text with the duplicate layer. Cull Layer > Merge."

step 2: Open the images as layers

step 3:website image size

Photoshop can open RAW images as well every bit other file types. However, all of those extra pixels are useless while creating a GIF. Big images boring downwards the graphics and create a file too large to display on the web. A GIF must exist 480 pixels on the longest side. Even so, it is possible to make it as large as 720 pixels.
⦁ Choose an prototype from the drib-downwards menu.
⦁ Choose an image > Prototype Size.
⦁ Enter the smaller pixel size in the Size of the Image window. and then click OK.

website image size

step 4: Create a Frame Animation

When working with video or blitheness, you'll crave Photoshop's Timeline window.
⦁ Go to the Windows drop-down menu to open it.
⦁ Navigate to Window > Timeline.
⦁ At the lesser of your workspace, a new Timeline window will announced.
⦁ Choose the arrow inside the eye point of the window.
⦁ From the carte du jour, select Create Frame Animation.
⦁ The peak layer will exist visible in the Timeline window.

Create a Frame Animation
Create a Frame Animation

pace 5: Creating Frames with Layers

To encounter all the layers, right-click lines in the Timeline window'southward top right corner. It helps bring up a new card.
⦁ Select "Create Frames from Layers."
⦁ In the Timeline window, the layers appear as individual frames. Users should be able to see all of the layers.
⦁ To change the structure, elevate the images to a new place.

Creating Frames with Layers
step 5: Creating Frames with Layers

footstep six: Set a timer for each Frame

By mistake, the time shown below each frame is 0 seconds. Under every frame.
⦁ Click the mouse cursor next to "time." You tin change the time for personal frames or for all frames instantly.
⦁ To see a preview of your GIF, press the Play button.
⦁ Experiment with various fourth dimension settings.
⦁ Select short times if you have a diverseness of images and want to accept a smooth motion.
⦁ Choose a longer time if you want a cease-start effect. A GIF'southward full time must be around half dozen seconds, though the loop can be smaller. Many GIFs contain a single sign or movement, which can last not much more than than a second.

Set a timer for each Frame

stride seven: Select the Loop

By mistake, the GIF volition play incessantly.
⦁ Open the loop control menu to modify it.
⦁ You have the option to play the GIF once, twice, or three times, as well as choose some other option.
⦁ To show your GIF, click the Play button once once again.

Select the Loop

step seven: relieve for the web

Go to the File drop-down carte and salvage your gif image file for the online platform.
⦁ Navigate to File > Consign > Save for Web(Legacy).

step 7: save for the web

⦁ Select the GIF 128 Resampled present and salve for the Web window.
⦁ It decreases the number of color options in your picture and makes the GIF load faster. Even and then, the color gradients in one picture are mostly maintained.
⦁ When you lot click the Preview push, one GIF will open in a new window in your web browser.
⦁ Save the file. Select an area and click Save in one case more.

save for the web

Animated GIFs from a Video

Creating an Animated GIF from a Video. At present y'all know about the video gif. In Photoshop, y'all can make an animated GIF past looping short videos. Users only demand a very few seconds of video. The about difficult part is choosing where to kickoff and end the loop.

step 1: Open the video in Photoshop

You tin can open up a full video or even only particular parts in Photoshop. Users tin also transfer individual frames from the video. Lightroom will offer video clips. Withal, you cannot export a video from Lightroom to Photoshop.
⦁ Go to the File drop-down menu and click File > Open to open the content directly in Photoshop.
⦁ Navigate to the video file and press the Open push. Its video will automatically open up inside the timeline window.
⦁ Go to the File menu to import chosen frames from a video.
⦁ Select File > Import > Video Frames to Layers from the carte. Then navigate to a video file and press the Open button.
Almost all video files are captured at xxx frames per second. Nonetheless, you practice non want these several frames to make a GIF. And so pick the "Limit to each and every" option and enter a value. Each of 4 or five frames is enough. To achieve the desired motion, use the smallest number of frames possible.
⦁ Select the Brand Frame Animation checkbox. then click OK. Each frame of the video is again converted into a layer.
⦁ Then, repeat the previous steps to brand a GIF from still images.

Open the video in Photoshop

pace 2: Resize for the spider web

When GIFs are small video files, they run faster. Then, go to the Prototype drop-down carte and change the size of your video for the internet.
⦁ Cull an prototype > Image Size.
⦁ Make full a size between 480 and 720pixel resolution on the long edge of the Prototype Size window. and then click OK.
⦁ You lot may receive a message that converting a video layer to a virtual hardware layer is needed. Select Convert.

step 2: Resize for the web

step 3: Select the GIFs frames

Set the start and endpoints to support the short video you can apply as your GIF. In one case more, half dozen seconds is an outstanding time duration for a GIF, though the loop could exist smaller. Play the section a few times on loops. Make a note as to how the clip looks when it loops back to the start. Several GIFs start and finish all of a sudden. The jolt tin can exist lowered past slightly trying to shift the start or end positions.

Select the GIFs frames

step iv: Salvage for the Web

Go to the File drop-down bill of fare and save one animated GIF file for the web.
⦁ Navigate to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy).
⦁ When yous click the Preview button, i GIF will open in a new web browser.
⦁ Salvage the file. Select an area and click Salvage one time more. You go a video loop now.

 Save for the Web


If y'all use a sequence of pictures or short video clips, you can hands create animated GIFs in Photoshop. In the Timeline window, select the Generate Frame Animation command. Then, salve the GIF to the web. Don't be upset if your GIF isn't ideal. There is a culture of animated GIFs that take a handmade images. This is due in part to the restrictions of the GIF format. It's become a standard GIF look.
Upload your GIF created in Photoshop to social media or your website. Information technology must work smoothly. GIFs could be included in emails. They tin even be found in Word documents. We hope knowing How to Make an Blithe GIF in Photoshop was elementary.

Annotation:If you want to make some adjustments to the photo just permit me know. I can do information technology for you at a very low cost. You can hire me to edit your photo

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