
What Are Some Animals That Have Been Affected By Humans

    The Man Bear upon
homeHumans are at present responsible for causing changes in the environment that injure animals and found species. We take up more than infinite on Earth for our homes and cities. Nosotros pollute habitats. We illegally hunt and kill animals. We bring exotic species into habitats. All of these activities take resources and habitats away from plants and animals.

Homo activity frequently changes or destroys the habitats that plants and animals need to survive. Because homo populations are growing then fast animals and plants are disappearing 1000 times faster than they have in the by 65 million years. Scientists estimate that in the 21st century 100 species will get extinct every day.

    Natural Extinction

homeAnimals and plants have always had a hard time surviving. Scientists estimate that over ii thirds of the animals and plants that once lived on Earth are now extinct.

Animals became extinct in the past for a broad diversity of reasons. In some cases competition for resource amid animals led to extinction in other cases environmental changes acquired extinction.

Scientists recall dinosaurs became extinct because a meteorite struck the Earth and acquired changes in the environment that the dinosaurs and other animals and plants couldn't suit to.

   Multiple Factors

West Indian manateeSome animals are endangered because of a combination of natural and human-made causes.

The W Indian manatee is an endangered aquatic mammal that lives in rivers, estuaries, canals and saltwater bays.

Manatees need warm h2o to survive. In the winter they alive in southern Florida and parts of Georgia. In the summer they can migrate as far north as Virginia and due west to Louisiana. Sometimes manatees die considering they don't migrate back to warm h2o presently enough.

There are currently a little under ii,000 manatees in Florida. Every year about 150 dice. Manatees are frequently killed when they are hit by boats. Manatees can also die when they get caught in fishing nets. Manatees only requite birth every two to five years and they only have one calf at a fourth dimension. Because their reproduction rate is so low and bloodshed rates are loftier, manatee populations are endangered.

    Longing for Lupine

homeSome animals, like the Karner Blue butterfly, are endangered because they demand very special environments to survive.

The Karner Blue is dependent on the wild lupine. The wild lupine is a found that grows in pine and oak barrens in the Northeast and Midwest. It is the but known nutrient source of the larvae of the Karner blue. Without this establish the butterfly tin can't survive.

KarnerWild lupine grows best in sandy soils where wood fires occasionally clear out former vegetation. Fire helps keep shrubs low and clears the areas of plants like aspen and maple that can take over the area and create too much shade for lupine to grow.

Karner blues rely on lupine for their whole life cycle. They attach their eggs to the stems of the plants and newly hatched caterpillars eat the leaves of the constitute. If wild lupine doesn't grow, the Karner blue doesn't survive. Because humans control wildfires, lupine isn't as abundant every bit it used to be. Lupine is also killed past pesticides. Because lupine is harder to find, the population of Karner blues has drooped by 99 percent in the last 2 decades.

   Unfair Competition

Nene GooseSome animals are endangered because exotic or non-native species were introduced to their habitats. In Hawaii, the country bird, the Nene Goose, is in danger, in role, considering of the mongoose. The mongoose was brought into Hawaii by planters to help control rats in carbohydrate cane fields. The planters didn't realize that rats are nocturnal and the mongoose hunts in the solar day. The mongoose constitute other sources of food like eggs from nesting birds, including the Nene goose. The Nene goose used to be institute all over Hawaii. There are now less than 800 left in the state.


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