
Minecraft Dungeons guide: How to use the new Luxury Merchant vendor

Minecraft Dungeons Luxury Merchant Source: Windows Central

Minecraft Dungeons is all about one affair: the gear. Everything y'all exercise in the game is in the quest to find meliorate, more powerful, more rare gear to make information technology easier to find, well, even better gear. With the Creeping Wintertime update, Minecraft Dungeons' campsite at present has a total of five new merchants to utilize, as opposed to just two that only give you lot random gear. In this Minecraft Dungeons guide, we'll be going over the Luxury Merchant, and how their extortionate prices are justified past the powerful merchandise they accept to offer.

Here's how to utilize the Luxury Merchant in Minecraft Dungeons:

Not your average Minecraft

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Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft explores the dungeons.

Minecraft Dungeons is the next saga in Minecraft's story, and Mojang Studios have knocked some other one out of the park. Awesome co-op combat paired with powerful loot, all at a crazy affordable price? In that location's non much more you lot could ask for in an epic dungeon crawling ARPG.

  • What is the Luxury Merchant?
  • How exercise I utilise the Luxury Merchant?
  • How do I upgrade the Luxury Merchant?

What is the Luxury Merchant in Minecraft Dungeons?

Minecraft Dungeons Luxury Merchant Source: Windows Central

The Luxury Merchant is one of five vendors added or changed as part of the costless update that launched alongside the Creeping Winter DLC. 1 of the biggest issues with Minecraft Dungeons in the by, and with the previously launched Jungle Awakens DLC, was how Minecraft Dungeons all the same lacked meaningful endgame content, and how tedious it was to grind for new gear and power up. These 5 new vendors seek to change this past offering additional ways to buy new or upgrade existing gear, as well as a rudimentary "trading" system for friends playing in your lobby.

Where the Luxury Merchant fits in is given abroad by the name: this vendor sells loftier-end goods, at a loftier-end price. This vendor sells a limited number of items, only they're pretty much guaranteed to be stronger than what y'all currently have equipped, although you'll take to pay a very pretty penny in club to secure the goods. Low supply + high demand = expensive prices.

How do I utilise the Luxury Merchant in Minecraft Dungeons?

Minecraft Dungeons Luxury Merchant Source: Windows Fundamental

Using the Luxury Merchant is easy! The first step is finding them, and the Luxury Merchant is located in the military camp alongside all the other vendors. You can discover them below the map surface area, where the training area used to be, if that helps, but earlier the temple that holds secrets we tin can't hash out hither. Once you've institute them, you lot tin use the action button ("A" on an Xbox controller) to talk to them and bring up the menu.

The Luxury Merchant volition display between ane and three pieces of gear for you to choose from. By default, only one will appear until you've completed the Luxury Merchant's missions to expand their inventory (more on that below). You won't be able to unlock all of the secrets of the gear, only its type, power level, and furnishings, so you'll accept to gamble on the enchantments a trivial bit. However, if something hither catches your centre, you can concord downward the corresponding push button to buy information technology. There's no confirmation popular-up, but you do have to hold downwardly the button instead of just tapping it.

Keep in mind that if y'all buy something, it will non be immediately replaced by something else. Y'all'll either take to wait for the Luxury Merchant to restock, pay the restocking fee (more than on that below), or complete a mission for the Luxury Merchant (more on that below besides). Even if you have a large amount of emeralds stored up, it might be smart to spend your money wisely, then y'all don't burn through it restocking.

Minecraft Dungeons Luxury Merchant Source: Windows Central

You have a few more than options here also. If there's something that you lot desire merely can't beget, or are interested in but aren't quite ready to buy, you tin "reserve" it by pressing the corresponding button along the bottom of the screen when you're highlighting it. When yous do this, the Luxury Merchant won't trade that item out for something else when they restock, or when you hit the restock push yourself.

Minecraft Dungeons Luxury Merchant Minecraft Dungeons Luxury Merchant Source: Windows Central

Speaking of restocking, you can in fact do that manually! If you buy everything the Luxury Merchant currently has and desire to buy something else, or the Luxury Merchant isn't stocking anything you're interested in, you can spend a piddling cash to manually restock the Luxury Merchant's good. Keep in listen this will cost more than emeralds, and the cost of restocking rises every fourth dimension you use it. And because the Luxury Merchant is more expensive, their restocking fee is also. It'south probably best non to overuse this function.

If you are in the habit of restocking a lot, the restocking fee will reset everytime that you complete a mission for the Luxury Merchant, which is the next thing we have to talk about.

How do I upgrade the Luxury Merchant in Minecraft Dungeons?

Minecraft Dungeons Luxury Merchant Minecraft Dungeons Luxury Merchant Source: Windows Central

If the one included inventory slot isn't enough to slate your shopping hunger, consider upgrading the Luxury Merchant with an expanded inventory. Most vendors accept missions that you lot can complete to both aggrandize their inventory or capabilities and reset their restocking fees, so you tin focus on specific vendor's missions if you lot utilise their services a ton. For the Luxury Merchant, expensive luxury goods ways rare and powerful bounties: bosses. In gild to upgrade the Luxury Merchant, you'll have to hunt downwardly "powerful" mobs which include bosses and mini-bosses.

Fortunately, we have a detailed guide on vanquish pretty much every mob in the game, including the Curvation-Illager, or the final dominate. Tier one, or the first mission, involves hunting down ten of these powerful mobs. Tier two ramps that up to l, which can take quite a while to reach, seeing equally how these powerful mobs unremarkably merely appear at the terminate of a level. In one case you lot've completed these missions, however, the Luxury Merchant will stock two or three items at a fourth dimension, rather than just one.

You'll still be able to reserve individual items you're interested in, purchase what y'all want, and restock the Luxury Merchant at your leisure (which volition restock everything but reserved items), just with more options to cull from! Don't think of it as extra work to upgrade the Luxury Merchant, even so, think of it as a reward for doing what y'all would've already: destroying huge mobs for big prizes.

Not your average Minecraft

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Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft explores the dungeons.

Minecraft Dungeons is the next saga in Minecraft'south story, and Mojang Studios have knocked another one out of the park. Awesome co-op combat paired with powerful boodle, all at a crazy affordable price? There's not much more than you could ask for in an epic dungeon itch ARPG.

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