
What Flowers Are Good To Mix In Herb Gardens?

The theory behind companion planting often sounds simple but might not be for some really picky plants. When it comes to companion planting with herbs, it is essential to pick one that doesn't stunt their growth and can easily benefit from them.

When planning a companion planting garden for herbs, consider making your garden yard more inviting to friends and one of the ways you can do this is to pair them with some really attractive flowers.

Companion planting herbs with your flowers and vegetables can provide you with a solution to two main challenges that occur when food is grown organically, this includes maximizing crop yield and controlling pests.

It's not just enough to mix different species of plants together and expect them to be of benefit to each other. The right companion planting with herbs will not only help deter pests but also help get the most from whatever growing space you have available.

10 Flowers To Plant With Herbs For More Benefits

What type of flowers can be planted with herbs? The concept of companion planting is to ensure plants that are grown together are of mutual benefit to each other. Herbs and flowers really make excellent companions and have a way of making your garden look attractive and flowers and herbs of many types can be planted together. But, below are the best flowers to plant with herbs for more benefits.

1. Marigolds

Marigolds are excellent companions in your herb garden. This attractive flower help repels whiteflies and traps slugs that area deterrent many herbs. Gardeners also plant marigold to deter nematodes and marigold exudes a chemical that actively helps repel any potential damaging insect in the herb garden. Many vegetables can also be planted near marigolds but keep them away from beans and brassicas.

2. Zinnias

Zinnias are great flowers known for their medicinal properties and they are great companion plants to thyme. Thyme herb is considered plain-looking but when paired with bright zinnia flowing, the arrangement is really beautiful. Zinnias are great flowers to have in your garden for their ability to enhance your health and beautiful your herb garden.

3. Roses

Rose Companion Plants
Image: Envato Elements

Herbs play an important role in the healthy growth and beauty that unfold in a rose garden. Herbs and roses can be of great benefit to each other. Best companion herbs that help deter pests that harm roses are lavender, thyme, rosemary, and sage.

4. Petunias

Petunias work well around herbs and vegetables. Herbs work in repelling pests that plague petunias and this flower love lot of sun and well-drained soil which makes them very easy to care for and maintain flower compared to other fussier flowers.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile pairs well with herbs like basil and mint and it is said to help them improve their taste and scent, When chamomile is thriving and well cared for, it benefits herbs planted in close proximity.

6. Hyssop

Hyssops are a suitable companion to herbs especially mints. This flower is a hardy annual that will provide shade to your mint herb.

7. Geraniums

Geraniums are another flower your herb garden might thank you for. These flowers repel Japanese beetles and they are easy to care about bloomers.

8. Sweet Alyssum

Sweet Alyssum is a sweet colorful flower to add to your herb garden. The benefit of planting sweet alyssum in vegetable and herb gardens is natural organic weed control. It grows really fast and creates thick low growing mats that help prevent weeds. Sweet alyssum is pretty versatile so it can be planted with any herb.

10 Flowers To Plant With Herbs For More Benefits

9. Nasturtiums

Nasturtiums are common flowers gardeners plant as decoy companion plants to help deter aphids away from the garden. They attract aphids to themselves away from your herb or vegetable garden and they also repel a long list of other insects.

10. Chrysanthemums

Another flower that is generally useful as a garden plant is chrysanthemums because they help deter troublesome bugs like lice, ticks, and roaches. They are a very effective form of pest control in herb and vegetable gardens.

Benefits Of Companion Planting Flowers And Herbs

When you have your own herb garden, you can be skeptical about what to plant with them however gardeners suggest companion planting with certain flowers to beautify your garden and improve the flavor of your herbs. But that's not the only reason you should mix flowers and herbs, below are more powerful reasons

  • They attract beneficial insects that can be of benefits to both plants
  • Herbs help repel all kinds of garden pests
  • Some flowers act as trap crops
  • They attract pollinators
  • They promote Biodiversity when vegetables are incorporated.


What flowers grow well with basil?

Basil is one of the easiest to maintain herbs and some of the flowers it grows best with include; chamomile, petunias, zinnias, pansies, marigolds, celosia, and coneflowers.

Should you let herbs flower?

Herbs grow really lovely flowers but it is considered not a good idea to let your herbs flower early in the growing season, they might focus all their energy on procreation and forget all about growing so it's best not to let them flower at all.

What fertilizer is best for herbs?

Generally, herbs don't need much fertilizer compared to vegetables. Too much fertilizer can cause excess leaf growth and ruin the flavor after cultivating. Best to go with organic mulch such as your own compost which is often enough for herbs for the whole season.

Should you plant flowers with vegetables?

Absolutely, you can integrate flowers into our vegetable garden. Companion planting flowers and vegetables together can be really beneficial in deterring pests and add beauty to your garden.

How much space do herbs need to grow?

Herbs need to require one to four feet diameter of space between them and it often depends on the type of herbs planted near each other. Sage, mint, rosemary, oregano, and marjoram need three to four feet of space. While herbs like basil, thyme, tarragon, and savory are two feet.

Final Thoughts

You can plant almost any flower in your herb garden but you need to be carefully selecting them as some flowers don't pair well with some herbs. When it comes to flowers and herb pairing, choose herbs that can help repel pests as lots of flowers easily attract pests and need companion plants that can help deter these pests.

knowing the best companion planting for herbs, flowers, and vegetables will help you optimize your crop yield naturally.

More companion planting ideas:

  • Garlic Companion Plants: 12 Best Plants to Grow With Garlic
  • Carrot Companion Plants: 11 Best Companion Plants For Carrot
  • Lettuce Companion Plants: 12 Best Companion Plants For Lettuce
  • Kale Companion Plants: 15 Best Plants to Grow With Kale
  • Blueberry Companion Plants: 11 Best Companion Plants For Blueberries
  • Rosemary Companion Plants: 15 Best Plants to Grow With Rosemary
  • Potato Companion Plants: 15 Best Plants to Grow With Potatoes
  • Sage Companion Plants: 10 Best Companion Plants For Sage
  • Lavender Companion Plants: 7 Best Plants to Grow With Lavender

What Flowers Are Good To Mix In Herb Gardens?


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