
How To Germinate Fresh Chilli Seeds California Gardening

- How to grow your own chillies?

How to Grow your own Chilli

We have videos at YouTube to show you how to set up your chilli garden or farm:

Download this basic info PDF file how to grow chillies here.

Or Check this video that shows you how we germinate our Ultra Hots! If you follow those basic steps you will reach 85%++ germination rate!!

How to: germinate chilli seeds.

Make sure you use the best quality seeds!! Before you start seeding up….BUY our seeds online here:

Some customers cannot get it right or are not able to get the germination going….

It is tricky but we do it every time and people that use high quality seeds and follow the instructions EXACTLY as we do it ourselves get a germination / strike rate of 85 - 90 %

- The SOIL temperature of the chilli seeds MUST be between 28 - 32 degrees Celsius CONSTANTLY and EXACTLY....

So day and night for the whole seeding up time of 4 weeks

- It can take UP TO 2 weeks minimum to 4 WEEKS maximum before first seedlings will pop up!! So you do need PATIENCE as well…

- You NEED to use a heat blanket to control the temperature EXACTLY and constantly over that time period...!!!

- Make sure to measure the heat of the SOIL by putting the thermometer inside the SOIL of the seedlings

- Make sure they do NOT dry out

- Make sure they are NOT TOO WET either, because this will make the seeds vulnerable to fungal pathogens

- We only take the best pods and take extreme care in de-seeding and handling our chilli seeds. We keep our chilli seeds on constant temperature controlled storage so they stay 110% quality seeds for the next FIVE years

- When you buy our seeds store them in your fridge until seeding them up.

- Make sure while storing them in your fridge until needed that you do not get any moisture in the bags

- Make sure they stay below 5 degrees Celsius when storing for long term and they will last 5 years!!

- The best way to make sure moist stays out of the plastic bags while storing the seeds is to keep the plastic bag inside a "Kilner" ("Scotch") jars with a rubber joint and propped up lid... or store them in a sealed Ziploc bag with some silica gel beads to keep moist out.

MOST importantly:

- Treat them like they are your babies and give them as much TLC as you can.

 Do not forget they are sub-tropical to Tropical plants!! And the ultra hots are very temperamental as well.... so need a lot of TLC.

Before you start seeding them up:

Mark Peacock B.Hort Sc (Hons 1st Class) Seed treatment Protocol:

  1. Soak seeds in a 0.05% Sodium Hypochlorite solution for 30 minutes. The best product for this is Milton (in a blue bottle in the supermarket with the baby stuff. It is used for sterilising baby bottles etc… you can use the Milton undiluted so use as is…)
  2. Dry seeds on paper towel and sow immediately at a depth of less than 1cm.
  3. Mix up a pre-emergent fungicide at label rate and apply to growing media. (Fongarid-it is systemic and will protect the seedling as it develops)
  4. Keep the seeds moist at 28 degrees until germination. It is also important to keep media well ventilated to prevent anoxic bacteria and fungi from colonising the seed.

 This is very basic but the Milton surface sterilizes the seed and breaks down the hydrophobic seed layer allowing water to imbibe into the seed. The trick is to get the seed up and away before fungal attack.

The better quality the seed the quicker the germination.

 The active ingredient of Milton is Sodium hypochlorite, which does the work of speeding up germination. I am unsure of how it is purchased in other countries outside Australia or UK but look for similar products that contain sodium hypochlorite as a %

(Not to be confused with sodium hydroxide-which is in bleach and will kill the seeds ).

 We need a 0.05% solution but dilution depends on what we have to start with.

If the product is 1% sodium hypochlorite you need to add 1ml product into 20ml water

i.e. 1%/20=0.05%

All Customers that cannot find the Milton in their own country?

order Milton Sterilizing Fluid from with shipping for around $10 USD total.

Thanks to Peder from Northern California for sorting this out for us!!

To sow the seeds we use Jiffy pots. These are widely available at your local nursery.

When we are germinating our chilli seeds we use heat blankets to keep the seeds at a constant temperature of 28 to 32 degree Celsius. This is the best temperature to germinate chilli seeds at.

The germination should take a minimum of around the 5 – 14 days and it is very exciting to see them sprout up!!

After germination they need to grow up and strengthen before you can put them into the soil outside. We keep them until they have at least a couple of leafs and then we select the most healthy looking plants to be sun trained

Yes be careful in the beginning because although chillies like their sun when they are little babies they have to get used to it and need to be slowly introduced to the sun. We use trolleys to move them outside our hothouse and slowly build up the amount of sun. Start with max half an hour and make that longer every day

Then you can transplant the new chilli plants to the soil in either pots or just as is into the garden soil!

They like full sun and when very hot give them water twice or three times a day. They love good food too and if you take really good care of them they will last for years!

After 4 – 6 months the first fruit should appear and you can start harvesting. Wait until they are fully ripe before you pick them to give them that extra heat…

When winter comes around; they do not like it too cold so make sure you put them inside or if you keep them outside over winter: make sure that they have plenty of mulch and newspapers around the stems so they stay nice and warm.

Prune them right back just before the frost will hit them. But when pruning make sure to leave enough of green leaves on the left over branches so the plant can survive the winter and shoot up in spring again. If they survive the winter the whole cycle starts again and this time you should get your fruit sooner in about 4 months because the plants are already established. If you treat your plants well you should get a couple of years of fun our of them


Download this basic info PDF file how to grow chillies here.

How do we get the best chilli seeds available?

Trinidad Scorpion Chilli Hottest Chilli in the world

 - We grow our own chillies and let the chillies ripe on the plant until they are nice and dark red before harvesting the chilli pods to dry them for our chilli seeds.

We are the Guinness World Record holders of the hottest chilli in the world and have a high sense of quality. You will get the best seeds possible and should have years of fun and food from these seeds.

grow your own scorpion chilli

Please note the following:

A slight warning before you start with the seeds; make sure to wear gloves to protect yourself against the chilli oil/capsaicin. It will burn and that is a guarantee!! We are sneezing, coughing and wearing gloves and facial mask to pack the seeds into their final package so make sure to get gloves…

Although the growing of chilli plants is not difficult and pretty straight forward the end result may vary depending on quiet a few variables such as:

- Your growing skills

- The climate you grow the plants in. The colder the climate the least fruit and smaller the plants will be.

- The condition of your soil! The better you control this the better the end result.

- how do you cultivate your chilli plants?

Do you give them extra fertilizer? Do you keep them in a hothouse? Do you grow them hydroponicly? et cetera

So the growth of your seeds and the end results may vary and it all depends on the above conditions mentioned and other external factors.

Information on anything chilli check our FAQ

Information on how to grow chillies or set up your own chilli farm check our YouTube Channel here:

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and stay in touch with us…

More Information on the Trinidad Scorpion Chilli and Scoville rating can be found on our website:

Cross Pollination: YES or NO?

Normally chilli plants DO NOT cross pollinate as they are self polinating!

however ALL ultra hots hybrids (cross between two type of chillies) when stressed due to:

diseases, heat, malnutriton et cetera MIGHT fall back to their true form self!

Example : Reaper (The original crossbreed was between a Bhut jolokia (a former world record holder) and a red habanero, and is named 'Reaper' due to the shape of its tail.

for this reason: A diseased reaper plant might fall back to the Bhut Jolokia original form or the habanero form...

grow your own Scorpion Chilli Grow your own Scorpion Chilli Grow your own Scorpion Chilli

For every seed we sell see below for a bit of background information on them:

Trinidad Scorpion Chilli Butch T

Trinidad Scorpion Chilli Hottest in the World

The heat level in Scoville heat units for the Trinidad Scorpion Chilli Butch T. is an amazing 1,463,700 Scoville Heat Units

 We are the Guinness World Record Holders for the hottest chilli in the world!

You can check the official certificate here:

 When fully grown the Trinidad Scorpion Chilli can grow up to 160 cm high and you should be able to get between 1.5 to 2 KG per plant of fresh fruit during the chilli season which lasts approximate 4 to 6 months.

Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Chilli

Chocolate trinidad Scorpion Chilli

The heat level in Scoville heat units for the Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Chilli is very high from 1,000,000 up to 1,463,700 Scoville Heat Units

We are the Guinness World Record Holders for the hottest chilli in the world!

You can check the official certificate here:

When fully grown the Trinidad Chocolate Scorpion Chilli can grow up to 160 cm high and you should be able to get between 1.5 to 2 KG per plant of fresh fruit during the chilli season which lasts approximate 4 to 6 months.

Yellow Bhut Jolokia

Yellow Bhut Jolokia Chilli

The heat level in Scoville heat units for the Yellow Bhut Jolokia is in between 850,000 to 1,100,000 Scoville Heat Units. A nice and warm appitizer!!

When fully grown the Yellow Bhut Jolokia can grow up to 160 – 180 cm high and you should be able to get between 2 – 2.5 KG per plant of fresh fruit during the chilli season which lasts approximate 4 to 6 months.

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

The heat level in Scoville heat units for the Chocolate Bhut Jolokia is in between 850,000 to 1,100,000 Scoville Heat Units. A nice and warm appitizer!!

When fully grown the Chocolate Bhut Jolokia can grow up to 160 – 180 cm high and you should be able to get between 2 – 2.5 KG per plant of fresh fruit during the chilli season which lasts approximate 4 to 6 months.

Red Bhut Jolokia

Red Bhut Jolokia Ghost Chilli

The heat level in Scoville heat units for the Red Bhut Jolokia is in between 850,000 to 1,100,000 Scoville Heat Units. A nice and warm appitizer!!

When fully grown the Red Bhut Jolokia can grow up to 160 – 180 cm high and you should be able to get between 2 – 2.5 KG per plant of fresh fruit during the chilli season which lasts approximate 4 to 6 months.

Chocolate Habanero

Chocolate Habanero

The heat level in Scoville heat units for the Chocolate Habanero is in between 350,000 to 500,000 Scoville Heat Units.

When fully grown the Chocolate Habanero can grow up to 160 – 180 cm high. it gets really bushy and wide as well and lots and lots of fruit… and you should be able to get between 4 to 5 KG per plant of fresh fruit during the chilli season which lasts approximate 4 to 6 months.

Yellow 7 Pod/Pot

Yellow 7 Pod

The heat level in Scoville heat units for the Yellow 7 Pod/Pot is around the 850,000 Scoville Heat Units.

When fully grown the Yellow 7 Pod/Pot can grow up to 120 – 130 cm high and they get bushy and the pods/pots are very heavy and clock in at around the 20 to 25 grams each. You should be able to get between 4 – 5 KG per plant of fresh fruit during the chilli season which lasts approximate 4 to 6 months.

Naga Bon

Naga Bon

The heat level in Scoville heat units for the Naga Bon is around the 750,000 to 800,000 Scoville Heat Units.

Created at the Chilli Factory by crossing the Naga Jolokia with the Scotch Bonnet. Picked up and named by Neil Smith of the Hippy Seed company when he was visiting us!!

When fully grown the Naga Bon can grow up to 140 – 150 cm high and you should be able to get between 2 to 2.2 KG per plant of fresh fruit during the chilli season which lasts approximate 4 to 6 months.

Enjoy the growing ;=))

Hot regards from

The Hot Chilli Team.

Lets Talk Chilli

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How To Germinate Fresh Chilli Seeds California Gardening


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